崔艳艳 | Growth Theorems for a Subclass of Strongly Spirallike Functions | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2014/8 | SCI四区 |
李红杰 | Some Generalized Forms of Fuzzy Interval Valued Hyperidealsin a Hyperring | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2014/6 | SCI四区 |
李红杰 | Some Single-Machine Scheduling Problems withLearning Effects and Two Competing Agents | Scientific World Journal | 2014/5 | SCI四区 |
李红杰 | A new kind of fuzzy n-ary hypergroups in the framework of soft set theory | Scientific World Journal | 2014/7 | SCI四区 |
李纳 | q-derivative operator proof for the Melham’s conjecture | Diacrete applied mathemetics | 2014/17 | SCI三区 |
邢秀芝 | Nonlinear Super Integrable Couplings of Super Classical-Boussinesq Hierarchy | Journal of Applied Mathematics | 2014/6 | SCI四区 |
赵汇涛 | A New Feigenbaum-Like Chaotic 3D System | DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY | 2014/3 | SCI三区 |
赵汇涛 | Control of Hopf Bifurcation and Chaos in a Delayed Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey System with Time-Delayed Feedbacks | ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS | 2014/6 | SCI二区 |
赵汇涛 | Hidden Attractors and Dynamics of a General Autonomous van der Pol-Duffing Oscillator | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IFURCATION AND CHAOS | 2014/6 | SCI三区 |
赵汇涛 | Anticontrol of Hopf Bifurcation and Control of Chaos for a Finance System through Washout Filters with Time Delay | SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL | 2014/4 | SCI三区 |
赵汇涛 | An SIRS epidemic model incorporating media coverage with time delay | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 2014/3 | SCI四区 |
童艳春 | Jaulent-Miodek方程组的Riemann θ函数解 | 信阳师范学院学报 | 2014/4 | 北大核心 |
李苗苗 | 并联混合型有源电力滤波器仿真研究 | 中国电力教育 | 2014/11 | 北大核心 |
李苗苗 | 基于小波分析的变压器励磁涌流识别判据研究 | 电气技术 | 2014/12 | 北大核心 |
崔艳艳 | Reinhardt域上推广的Roper-Suffridge算子与Loewner链 | 中北大学学报.自然科学版 | 2014/4 | 北大核心 |
崔艳艳 | 复HILBERT空间单位球上的零伦全纯映照 | 兰州理工大学学报 | 2014/4 | 北大核心 |